News Details

Interim Directors Statement

Malta Financial Services Authority Listing Rules.


Interim Directors' Statement


It is hereby announced that during the Financial Period commencing 1 October 2010 upto the date of this Announcement, no material events and/or transactions have takenplace that would have an impact on the financial performance of the Company, suchthat would require specific mention, disclosure or announcement pursuant to theapplicable Listing Rules.

The financial performance of the Company is slightly below that of the correspondingperiod last year and the conditions in the market place continue to follow the trendsalready well-established. The emphasis on efficient service, judicious use of resources,as well as a broadening of ancillary services to increase the existing revenue streamscontinues unabated and with encouraging prospects.

The Board of Directors of the Company are further encouraged by the support andconfidence which continues to be shown by the shareholders, not least as manifested bytheir recent take-up of over 83% of the total dividend payable by way of the scrip option.

The Directors reiterate that the Company's financial fundamentals remain robust and, in the light of the overall existing market conditions, are cautiously optimistic of asatisfactory performance for the first half of the Financial Year.

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