MaltaPost's SendOn and Easipik solution ( were presented with the MCA Best eCommerce Site (B2C) award in a ceremony organised by the Malta Communication Authority on 11 April at the Malta Mediterranean Conference centre.
This was the 6th edition of the MCA eBusiness Awards and other categories included Best App, Best B2B Application, Best eCommerce site, Best eGovernment initiative, Best ICT Academic Dissertation with an eBusiness Theme, Best Tech Startup, Best Social Media Campaign and Best Use of Technology in Business Transformation.

eCommerce logistics activity has increased considerably over the past years with both consumers and businesses leveraging on a global market to fulfil their purchasing requirements. To further improve the customer experience, MaltaPost has established SendOn which enables customers to shop online for items in the EU, USA and China especially from websites which do not ship directly to Malta. This logistics solution has been a success since its inception in 2012 with thousands of subscribers using the service regularly both for personal use and for business needs.
This service is combined with MaltaPost's Easipik solution, a nationwide parcel locker network to further strengthen its last mile delivery. This network provides customers the option to collect their items on a 24/7 basis from automated locker banks conveniently located around Malta and Gozo.
By combining SendOn and Easipik, MaltaPost is providing an innovative international logistics solution, allowing ecommerce users to purchase any items within regional market places and collect these in Malta 24/7 from automated locker stations. SendOn and Easipik combined provide a simple and a highly secure last mile delivery solution to all users. To utilise these lockers clients just need to register and log on to their SendOn account and choose one of the parcel lockers located in various Post Offices as their delivery address. When the parcel is ready for collection, the client will receive an email and sms with a code to be keyed into the parcel locker screen in order to release their item.
"This award is fruit of company-wide team work and dedication, as well as collaboration with partners who have supported us in realising the needs in the local market and providing solutions to accommodate them. We would like to thank all our customers for showing trust in our product and commit ourselves to continuously realising their everchanging needs" said MaltaPost Chief Commercial Officer Mark Vella. Leading software provider Ascent Software and international parcel lockers provider Swipbox provided technical expertise required to make this innovative solution available to the public.
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