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COVID-19 Pandemic Update

Following the removal of the state of emergency by the Superintendence of National Health coupled with the lifting of most COVID-19 preventive measures in the community, MaltaPost informs that for postal items that require a signature, the post person delivering will verify the recipient's ID Card details and request full signature upon receipt. If there is no one at home to accept the delivery, the post person will leave a notice advising of collection alternatives. Customers receiving such items are invited to maintain the recommended social distancing from our post persons and to limit physical exposure to the shortest time possible. It is also highly recommended that clients sign for the postal items using their own stationery. 

Customers are also invited to register for and make use of our 24/7 Easipik lockers - a service that is provided free of charge and enables online shoppers to pick up all their items from any of the 20 Parcel Locker banks located around Malta and Gozo.

MaltaPost continues to maintain its regular last mile postal delivery services. Although there are no restrictions or delays for mail and parcels sent and received within Malta and Gozo, delays may continue to be experienced for select third countries for both incoming and outgoing letter mail, parcels and packets.

All our Post offices are also open for business. In the interest of safeguarding the health and safety of our customers and employees, customers visiting our Post Offices:

a)are invited to queue outside and maintain a distance of 2 meters between one another
b) are to respect the rule of having not more than 2 customers in each Post Office at the same time
c) are to wear a face mask or face shield prior to entering the Post Office
d) are to clean your hands with the hand sanitizer provided.
e) shall be refused entry if they display signs of ill-health

For more information please contact us on, on live chat on or send us a private message on our Facebook page.


Aġġornament dwar il-miżuri tal-COVID-19 

Wara li tneħħiet l-emerġenza ta' saħħa pubblika, flimkien mat-tneħħija ta' ħafna mill-miżuri preventivi għal COVID-19 fil-komunità, MaltaPost tinforma li għal oġġetti postali li jeħtieġu firma, l-pustier se jivverifika d-dettalji tal-Karta tal-Identità u jitlob il-firma ta' min qed jirċievi l-pakkett. Jekk ma jkun hemm ħadd id-dar biex jaċċetta t-tqassima, l-pustier iħalli nota b'metodi alternattivi għall-ġbir tal-pakkett. Il-klijenti li qed jirċievu l-ittri u l-pakketti għandhom iżommu d-distanza rikomandata u jillimitaw l-esponiment fiżiku għal wieħed qasir. Huwa wkoll rikomandat li l-klijenti jiffirmaw għal-oġġetti postali bl-istationery tagħhom.

Il-klijenti huma mistiedna biex jirreġistraw u jagħmlu użu minn Easipik 24/7 Parcel Lockers - servizz li huwa pprovdut bla ħlas u jagħti l-opportunità lix-xerrejja online biex jiġbru l-oġġetti tagħhom minn 20 Locker f'Malta u Għawdex.

MaltaPost tkompli ssostni biex tmantni s-servizzi tal-aħħar mil. Għalkemm ma hemmx restrizzjonijiet jew dewmien fuq posta jew parcels mibgħuta jew riċevuti f'Malta u Għawdex, jista' jkun hemm xi dewmien ta' ittri pakketti u parcels minn u lejn xi pajjiżi tat-tielet dinja. 

Il-Fergħat Postali kollha huma miftuħin għan-negozju. Fl-interess li tiġi protetta s-saħħa u s-sigurtà tal-klijenti, dawk kollha li jżuru l-Fergħat Postali għandhom: 

a) jistennew barra u jżommu d-distanza minima ta' 2 metri bejniethom
b) jirrispettaw ir-regola li jkun hemm mhux aktar minn 2 persuni fil-Fergħa Postali fl-istess ħin
c) jridu jilbsu maskla jew face shield qabel ma jidħlu l-Fergħa Postali
d) jridu jaħslu jdejhom bil-hand sanitizer
e)jista' ma jitħallewx jidħlu jekk juru sinjali ta' nuqqas ta' saħħa fiżika

Għal aktar informazzjoni kkuntattjana fuq, live chat fuq jew ibgħat messaġġ privat fuq il-paġna tal-Facebook tagħna.