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Reprint of the €0.30 stamp from the Postage Stamp Issue: Malta Health Care Heroes COVID-19

MaltaPost announces that a €0.30 stamp depicting a male health worker from the Philatelic Postage Stamp Issue - Malta Health Care Heroes COVID-19 has been reprinted. This stamp reproduces a painting by Andrew Micallef. The reprint of this stamp consists of 800,000 stamps, in sheets of 10 stamps bearing sheet numbers 025001 - 105000 both numbers included. The stamp measure 44mm x 31mm with a comb perforation of 14.0 x 13.9 . The stamps have been reprinted by the offset process by Printex Limited on watermarked paper bearing Maltese Crosses.

As from Tuesday 6th April 2021 the stamps will be available at all Post Offices in Malta and Gozo. Further information is available from the MaltaPost Philatelic Bureau at or on 25961740.


Reprint tal-bolla tat- €0.30 mis-sett ta' bolli tal-pustaġġ: Malta Health Care Heroes COVID-19

MaltaPost tħabbar li reġgħet stampat bolla tat-€0.30 li turi ħaddiem fil-qasam tas-saħħa mis-sett Malta Health Care Heroes COVID-19. Din il-bolla ġiet riprodotta minn pittura ta' Andrew Micallef. L-ammont li ġie stampat jikkonsisti f' 800,000 bolla ppreżentati f'folji t'għaxra li huma nnumerati 025001 sa 105000 biż-żewġ numri inklużi. Il-bolli għandhom daqs ta' 44.0 mm x 31.0 mm, b' perforazzjoni ta' 14.0 x 13.9 (comb). Il-bolli kienu stampati ‘offset' fuq karta stampata b' watermark tas-Salib ta' Malta minn Printex Limited.

Dawn il-bolli se jkunu għall-bejgħ mill-Fergħat Postali kollha minn nhar it-Tlieta 6 t' April 2021. Iktar informazzjoni tista' tinkiseb mill-Bureau Filateliku tal-MaltaPost fuq jew 2596 1740.