We have received reports by customers receiving messages via SMS seemingly originating from MaltaPost that directs users to click on a link to arrange for a delivery. The link takes the user to a clone of the MaltaPost website and asks for bank details. This is an example of the message claiming to be from MaltaPost.

We would like to clarify that MaltaPost does not engage in such practices and these text messages are not issued by MaltaPost. These are false messages with malicious intent and users should not click on the link and must delete these messages immediately.
MaltaPost takes its commitments towards protecting and maintaining the privacy of its customers seriously and strongly recommends that such messages are to be completely ignored.
Attenti minn Messaġġi Qarrieqa f'isem il-MaltaPost
Għadna kif irċevejna rapporti dwar messaġġi li qed jidħlu b'SMS li jidhru li qed jinħarġu mill-MaltaPost fejn jgħidu lil klijenti biex jidħlu f'link biex jiirranġaw għal delivery. Il-link qed twassal għal website falza li hija kopja ta' dik tal-MaltaPost u ssaqsi biex tagħti d-dettalji tal-Bank. Qed nuru eżempju ta' kif jidhru dawn il-messaġġi.
Nixtiequ navżaw li dawn huma messaġġi qarrieqa u mhux qed jinħarġu mill-MaltaPost. Il-Kumpanija tkompli twissi li l-intenzjoni ta' dawn il-messaġġi foloz hija ħażina u ħadd ma għandu jagħfas il-link ta' fuq dawn il-messaġġi anzi jħassarhom immedjatament.
MaltaPost għandha l-impenn li tipproteġi u tħares is-sigurtà tal-klijenti u tisħaq li dawn il-messaġġi għandhom jiġu injoranti kompletament.