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Philatelic Stamp Issue - 100th Anniversary Birth of HRH Prince Philip The Duke of Edinburgh

On the 10th of June 2021, MaltaPost will issue a set of three stamps to commemorate the 100th anniversary from the birth of Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. Two of the stamps show images of Prince Philip when he lived in Malta in the years between 1949 - 1951 while serving in the Royal Navy and the third, when he represented HRH Queen Elizabeth II for Malta's Independence celebrations on the 21st September 1964. Over the years, the Duke of Edinburgh visited Malta on various occasions, including his 60th wedding anniversary. His Royal Highness passed away on 9 April 2021 in his one hundreth year.

The stamps will be issued in a sheet of 10 stamps, with each stamp measuring 44mm x 31mm, a comb perforation 14.0 x 13.9 and bearing the Maltese Cross watermark. The sheets measure 118mm x 185mm and were produced by Printex Ltd in the offset process. The issue consists of 250,000 of the €0.30 stamp, 25,000 of the €1.00 stamp and 25,000 of the €2.00 stamp. The design of this stamp issue was set by MaltaPost.

This philatelic issue will be available from all Post Offices in Malta and Gozo as from Thursday 10th June 2021. Orders may be placed online at http://www.maltaphilately.comor by mail from the Philatelic Bureau, MaltaPost p.l.c. 305, Qormi Road, Marsa, MTP 1001; Telephone: 2596 1740, e-mail:

Ħarġa Filatelika - 100th Anniversary Birth of HRH Prince Philip The Duke of Edinburgh

Fl-10 ta' Ġunju 2021, MaltaPost ser toħroġ sett ta' tliet bolli sabiex tfakkar il-100 anniversarju mit-twelid tal-Prinċep Philip, id-Duka ta 'Edinburgh. Żewġ bolli juru ritratti tal-Prinċep Philip meta għex Malta bejn l-1949 u l-1951 waqt li kien qed iservi fir-Royal Navy u t-tielet bolla turi ritratt ieħor fejn rrappreżenta lill-HRH Queen Elizabeth II għaċ-ċelebrazzjoni ta 'l-Indipendenza ta' Malta fil-21 ta' Settembru ta' l-1964. Matul is-snin, id-Duka ta 'Edinburgh żar Malta diversi drabi, inkluż is-60 anniversarju tat-tieġ tiegħu. L- Altezza Rjali Tieghu ħalla din id-dinja fid-9 ta' April 2021 fl-età ta' 99 sena.

Il-bolli se jinħarġu f'folji ta' għaxra. Kull bolla hija ta' daqs 44mm x 31mm, b'perforazzjoni ta' 14.0 x 13.9 u għandha watermark bis-salib ta' Malta. Kull folja hija ta' daqs 118mm x 185mm u ġew ipprintjati minn Printex Limited bi proċess offset. Il-Ħarġa tikkonsisti f'250,000 bolla tat- €0.30, f'25,000 bolla tal- €1.00 u 25,000 bolla taż- €2.00. Dan is-sett ġie ddisinjat mill-MaltaPost.

Din il-ħarġa filatelika se tkun għall-bejgħ mill-Fergħat Postali f' Malta u Għawdex minn nhar il-Ħamis 10 ta' Ġunju 2021. Ordnijiet jistgħu jsiru online fuq jew bil-posta mill-Philatelic Bureau, MaltaPost p.l.c. 305, Triq Ħal Qormi, Marsa, MTP 1001 - Telephone 2596 1740 - e-mail: