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Temporary closure of Sub Post Office in Santa Lucija

MaltaPost informs the public that the Sub Post Office at 'Willand Bargain Store', Triq Dun M Mifsud, Santa Lucija SLC 1440, will be closed between Saturday 14th August and Saturday 21st August 2021.

On these days, the public may wish to use the postal services provided from the Post Office situated at the Paola Civic Center, Pjazza Antoine De Paule, Paola PLA 1266

Għeluq Temporanju ta' Sub Uffiċju tal-Posta f' Santa Lucija

MaltaPost tixtieq tinforma lill-pubbliku li s-Sub Uffiċċju tal-Posta 'Willand Bargain Store', Triq Dun M Mifsud, Santa Lucija SLC 1440, se jkun magħluq bejn nhar is-Sibt 14 t' Awwissu u nhar is-Sibt, 21 t' Awwissu 2021.

F'dawn il-ġranet, Il-pubbliku jista' juża s-servizzi li qed jingħataw mill-Fergħa Postali li tinsab fiċ- Ċentru Ċiviku, Pjazza Antoine De Paule, Paola PLA 1266.