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Maltese Buses II

On the 12th February 2022, MaltaPost will resume its philatelic series "Malta Buses" by the issue of four stamps illustrating Malta's iconic coloured buses of past years.

These buses were characterised by their high level of customisation and detailing. Individual owner-drivers would add their personal touch throughout the vehicle. They would add chrome accessories to their 'trucks', paint messages using the elaborate local 'tberfil' calligraphy, hang objects associated with specific village patron saints and of course, horseshoes for luck.

The stamps will be issued in a sheet of 10 stamps, with each stamp measuring 44mm x 31mm, a comb perforation 14.0 x 13.9 and bearing the Maltese Cross watermark. The sheets measure 118mm x 185mm and were produced by Printex Ltd in the offset process. The issue consists of 500,000 of the €0.30 stamp, 40,000 of the €0.51 stamp, 48,000 of the €0.59 stamp and 80,000 of the €1.00 stamp. The stamps set is designed by MaltaPost. Photographs by Frans Galea, Richard Stedall, Manuel Cutajar and Leo Grech.


These stamps will be available from all Post Offices in Malta and Gozo from Saturday 12th February. Orders may be placed online at or by mail from the Philatelic Bureau, MaltaPost p.l.c. 305, Qormi Road, Marsa, MTP 1001;Telephone: 2596 1740,


Ħarġa Filatelika
Maltese Buses

Fit-12 ta' Frar 2022, MaltaPost ser toħroġ it-tieni sett ta' bolli bit-tema ‘Maltese Buses'. Dan is-sett ser jikkonsisti f' erba' bolol li jfakkar l-karozza tal-linja ikonika Maltija tal-imgħoddi.

Dawn il-karozzi tal-linja kienu kkaratterizzati mill-livell għoli ta' dettall u karatteristiċi uniċi li s-sidien-xufiera stess kienu jżidu. Huma kienu jżidu ukoll aċċessorji tal-kromju, jiżbgħu messaġġi bl-użu tal-kaligrafija Maltija magħrufa bħala t-tberfil filwaqt li jweħħlu oġġetti kemm dawk assoċjati mal-qaddisin patruni tar-raħal tagħhom kif ukoll nagħla bħala simbolu ta' xorti tajba.


Il-bolli se jinħarġu f'folji ta' għaxra. Kull bolla hija ta' daqs 44mm x 31mm, b'perforazzjoni ta' 14.0 x 13.9 u għandha watermark bis-salib ta' Malta. Kull folja hija ta' daqs 118mm x 185mm u ġew ipprintjati minn Printex Limited bi proċess offset. Il-ħarġa tikkonsisti f'500,000 bolla tat- €0.30, f'40,000 bolla tal- €0.51, 48,000 bolla tad-59 u 80,000 bolla tal- €1.00. Dan is-sett ġie ddisinjat mill-MaltaPost minn fuq ritratti ta' Frans Galea, Richard Stedall, Manuel Cutajar and Leo Grech.


Din il-ħarġa filatelika se tkun għall-bejgħ mill-Fergħat Postali f' Malta u Għawdex minn nhar is-Sibt 12 ta' Frar 2022. Ordnijiet jistgħu jsiru online fuq jew bil-posta mill-Philatelic Bureau, MaltaPost p.l.c. 305, Triq Ħal Qormi, Marsa, MTP 1001 - Telephone 2596 1740 - e-mail: