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Europa 2022 - Stories and Myths

On 09th May 2022, MaltaPost will join other European postal administrations by way of the release of a philatelic stamp set bearing the theme Stories & Myths.

The stamps depict two popular local legends - one of the Calypso Cave and the other of the cave at Speranza Valley. These are designed by Fabio Agius, the co-creator of Wicked Comics and a long-standing MaltaPost staff member. The designs are a marked departure from more traditional ones and focus on the flat bold colouring so typical of comic art.

The theme Stories & Myths was selected by PostEurop - an association that since 1993 represents the interests of European postal operators. It was then that PostEurop assumed responsibility for issuing EUROPA stamps.

The stamps will be issued in a sheet of 11 stamps, each measuring 31mm x 44mm, with a comb perforation 13.9 x 14.0 and bearing the Maltese Cross watermark. The sheets measure 150 mm x 160mm and were produced by Printex Ltd in the offset process. The issue consists of 44,000 of the €0.59 stamp and 46,200 of the €2.00 stamp. 

The €0.59 stamp will be Malta's entry for the '2022 EUROPA Online Stamp Contest', an annual online event where stamp designs from across Europe compete for the best entry. The public is invited to view the entries and vote by visiting



This philatelic issue will be available from all Post Offices in Malta and Gozo from Monday 09th May 2022. Orders may be placed online at or by mail from the Philatelic Bureau, MaltaPost p.l.c. 305, Qormi Road, Marsa, MTP 1001; Telephone: 2596 1740, e-mail:


EUROPA 2022 - Ħarġa ta' Bolli tal-Pustaġġ

"Stejjer u Miti"


Fid-09 ta' Mejju 2022, MaltaPost se tingħaqad mal-amministrazzjonijiet postali Ewropej bil-ħruġ ta' sett ta' bolli filateliċi bit-tema "Stories & Myths". Din il- ara tikkonsisti f'ewġ bolli, l-ewwel bolla turi ritratt tal-Leġġenda tal-Grotta tal-Calypso. It-tieni bolla turi ritratt tal-Leġġenda tal-Grotta tal-Wied ta'l-Isperanza.

Iż-żewġ bolli gew iddisinjati minn Fabio Agius, membru ta' l-istaff li ilu snin twal jaħdem mall-MaltaPost kif ukoll hu l-ko-kreatur tal-Wicked Comics. Id-disinji jmorru lil hinn minn dak li huwa tradizzjonali u jiffukaw fuq il-kulur skur tant tipiku tal-arti tal-komiks.

It-tema Stejjer u Miti intgħażlet minn PostEurop - assoċjazzoni li ila mill-1993 tirrappreżenta l-interessi tal-Operaturi Ewropej. Galhekk il-PostEurop ħadet ir-responsabbilta gall-ħruġ tal-bolli EUROPA.

Is-sett se jinħareġ f'folji ta' ħdax -il bolla. Kull bolla hija ta' daqs 31mm x 44mm, b'perforazzjoni ta' 13.9 x 14.0 (comb) u l-folja hija ta' daqs 150mm x 160mm. Il-bolli ġew stampati b'watermark tas-Salib ta' Malta u Printex Limited ipproduċiet dan is-sett b'metodu offset. Il-ħarġa tikkonsisti f'44,000 bolla tad- €0.59 u 46,200 bolla taż- €2.00.

Il-Bolla tad- €0.59 se tkun imdaħħla fil-kompetizzjoni għall-isbaħ bolla fil-konkors tal-bolli online EUROPA 2022. Din hi kompetizzjoni annwali online fejn xogħol kreattiv minn madwar l-Ewropa kollha jikkompeti għall-aħjar disinn. Aħna nistidnuk tara dawn il-bolli sbieħ filwaqt li nħeġġu l-poplu Malti sabiex jivvota għall-Bolla ta' Malta fuq

Din il-ħarġa filatelika se tkun għall-bejgħ mill-Fergħat tal-MaltaPost f' Malta u f'Għawdex minn nhar it-Tnejn 09 ta' Mejju 2022. Ordnijiet jistgħu jsiru online fuq jew bil-posta mill-Bureau Filateliku, MaltaPost p.l.c. 305, Triq Ħal Qormi, Marsa, MTP 1001 -Telephone 2596 1740 - e-mail: