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MaltaPost announces a new Sub Post Office in St. Paul's Bay

To increase the accessibility of postal services for the general public, MaltaPost is pleased to announce that it has a new Sub Post Office in St. Paul's Bay. Within this Sub Post Office clients can avail themselves of numerous postal services such as local and international ordinary and registered mail and the sale of postage stamps.

The new Sub Post Office will be situated at ‘Exclusive Stationery', 27, Dawret il-Gzejjer, St. Paul's Bay SPB 2502. Postal services will be available at this new Sub Post Office as from Monday 28th November 2022.

The Sub Post Office's opening hours are as follows:

Monday to Sunday
08:00 a.m. - 08:00 p.m.


Sub Uffiċċju Postali Ġdid f' San Pawl il-Baħar

Biex ittejjeb l-aċċess għas-servizzi postali għall-pubbliku, MaltaPost tħabbar Sub Uffiċċju Postali ġdid f' San Pawl il-Baħar. F'dan is-Sub Uffiċċju il-klijenti jistgħu jinqdew minn diversi servizzi postali bħall-posta lokali u internazzjonali ordinarja u reġistrata kif ukoll bejgħ ta' bolli tal-pustaġġ.

L-indirizz ta' dan is-Sub Uffiċċju Postali huwa ‘Exclusive Stationery', 27, Dawret il-Gzejjer, San Pawl il-Baħar SPB 2502. Is-servizzi postali se jibdew jiġu offruti minn nhar it-Tnejn 28 ta' Novembru 2022.

Il-ħinijiet tal-ftuħ huma dawn:

Mit-Tnejn sal-Ħadd
08:00 a.m. - 08:00 p.m.