In keeping with tradition, The Nativity of Jesus Christ, a miniature sheet bearing three stamps depicts a traditional Nativity scene. The works are in terracotta by Maltese sculptor Joseph Scerri.
Scerri was born in Rabat and received his early training under Anton Agius, Anthony Calleja and Joseph Casha at the Malta School of Art. He has spent the past 30 years working primarily in bronze and is responsible for the monuments of Anton Agius, Kilin and Joseph Howard.
This terracotta triptych shows the first visitors to the holy crib. Awestruck shepherds on the left and gift-bearing kings on the right, flank the central panel showing the holy family. A manger with stable animals and a princely procession on camels completes the background design of the miniature sheet which is topped by the quintessential star!
The stamps within the miniature sheet measure 44 mm x 31 mm, with a comb perforation of 13.9 x 14.0 and bears the Maltese Cross watermark. The miniature sheet itself measures 120 mm x 80 mm and was produced in the offset process by Printex Ltd. The issue consists of 15,000 miniature sheets with each stamp bearing a value of €1. 00.
These items will be available from all Post Offices in Malta and Gozo from Friday 16th December 2022. Orders may be placed online at or by mail from the Philatelic Bureau, MaltaPost p.l.c. 305, Qormi Road, Marsa, MTP 1001; Telephone: 2596 1740, e-mail:

Ħarġa Filatelika - It-twelid ta' Ġesu' Bambin
Fis-16 ta' Diċembru 2022, MaltaPost se toħroġ miniature sheet li tikkonsisti fi tlett bolli li juru xena tradizzjonali tat-twelid ta' Ġesu Bambin. L-arti li tidher fuq dawn il-bolli hija magħmula mit-terracotta minn l-iskultur Malti Joseph Scerri.
Joseph Scerri twieled ir-Rabat u rċieva t-tagħlim tiegħu minn eta' zgħira taħt Anton Agius, Anthony Calleja u Joseph Casha fl-iskola ta' l-Arti f' Malta. L-aħħar tletin sena huwa ħadem primarjament fuq il-bronż u huwa responsabbli mill-monumenti ta' Anton Agius, Kilin u Joseph Howard.
Din l-arti fit-terracotta turi l-ewwel personaġġi li marru jżuru l-presepju qaddis. Fuq naħa tax-xellug qegħdin jidhru ir- rgħajja mwerwrin iżda fuq in-naħa tal-lemin qegħdin jidhru s-slaten maġi jġorru r-rigali. Fiċ-ċentru qiegħda tidher il-familja qaddisa. Il-maxtura bl-annimali, l- purċissjoni fuq l- iġmla u d-dija ta' l-istilla qegħdin jiffurmaw d-disinn fl-isfond tal-miniature sheet.
Il-bolli fil-miniature sheet huma ta' daqs 44mm x 31mm, b'perforazzjoni ta' 13.9 x 14.0 (comb) u għandha watermark bis-salib ta' Malta. Il-miniature sheet hija ta' daqs 120mm x 80mm u ġiet pprintjata minn Printex Limited bi proċess offset. Il-ħarġa tikkonsisti fi 15,000 miniature sheet bil-valur ta' €1.00 għal kull bolla.
Din il-ħarġa filatelika se tkun għall-bejgħ mill-Fergħat Postali f' Malta u Għawdex minn nhar il-Ġimgħa 16 ta' Diċembru 2022. Ordnijiet jistgħu jsiru online fuq jew bil-posta mill-Philatelic Bureau, MaltaPost p.l.c. 305, Triq Ħal Qormi, Marsa, MTP 1001 - Telephone 2596 1740 - e-mail:
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