In keeping with local tradition, this festive season MaltaPost shall issue a set of three stamps depicting the Christmas Nativity theme. Linking all three stamps is a golden star hovering above the Virgin Mary and Child, above an angel announcing the birth of Jesus and above a decorative Christmas wreath.
The new stamps will be issued in sheets of 10, with each stamp measuring 31mm x 44mm, a comb perforation 13.9 x 14.0 and bearing the Maltese Cross watermark. Each sheet measures 185mm x 118mm and was produced in the offset process by Printex Ltd. The issue consists of 50,000 of the €0.38 stamp, 30,000 of the €1.50 stamp and 15,000 of the €2.00 stamp.
The philatelic issue will be available from all Post Offices in Malta and Gozo as from Tuesday 21 November, 2023. Orders may be placed online at or by mail from the Philatelic Bureau, MaltaPost p.l.c., 305 Qormi Road, Marsa, MTP 1001; by telephone 2596 1740, via e-mail:

Ħarġa Filatelika - Milied 2023
Biex nżommu mat-tradizzjoni nisranija Maltija, f'dan l-istaġun tal-festi, MaltaPost se tniedi sett ta' tliet bolli li juru t-tema tan-Nattività tal-Milied. Bħala simbolu li jgħaqqad it-tliet bolli flimkien, nsibu kewkba tad-deheb fuq tpinġija tal-Verġni Marija bil Bambin f'idejha, fuq anġlu li qed jħabbar it-twelid ta' Ġesu u fuq kuruna dekorattiva tal-Milied.
Il-bolli l-ġodda se jinħarġu f'folji ta'għaxra, b'kull bolla tkun ta' daqs 31 mm x 44 mm, b'perforazzjoni ta' 13.9 x 14.0 u għandha "watermark" bis-salib ta' Malta. Kull folja hija ta' daqs 185 mm x 118 mm u ġiet stampata minn Printex Limited bi proċess offset. Il-ħarġa tikkonsisti f'50,000 tal-bolla ta' €0.38, 30,000 tal-bolla ta' €1.50 u 15,000 tal-bolla ta' €2.50.
Din il-ħarġa filatelika se tkun għal bejgħ mill-Fergħat Postali f' Malta u Għawdex mit-Tlieta 21 ta' Novembru 2023. Ordnijiet jistgħu jsiru onlajn fuq jew bil-posta mill-Philatelic Bureau, MaltaPost p.l.c. 305, Triq Ħal Qormi, Marsa, MTP 1001 - telefon 2596 1740 - email
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