MaltaPost donated numerous toys to children receiving treatment at Mater Dei hospital. These toys were donated by the company's staff and will be placed in the paediatric and children outpatients playing rooms. This activity formed part of MaltaPost's corporate social responsibility programme which encourages employees to be sensitive to society's less fortunate individuals such as those receiving care in hospital.

The gifts were presented by MaltaPost's Marketing Department representative Yolande Spiteri and a representative from the Human Resources Department Marisa Caruana who were welcomed by Mater Dei's Voluntary Service Co-ordinator David Pisani and Dr Bubbly, a representative from Dr Klown- an NGO which seeks to ease the pain and boredom children feel whilst they receive care in the wards and outpatients' clinics of Mater Dei.
Yolande Spiteri, Head of Marketing at MaltaPost stated how "MaltaPost feels duty bound to help the less fortunate most particularly children who due to their sickness find it difficult to enjoy their childhood, which is usually such a carefree time in one's life. MaltaPost's staff were very enthusiastic to help out in this good cause and participated whole heartedly by donating numerous toys to these children"
Mater Dei, Voluntary Service Co-ordinator David Pisani showed his appreciation for this donation and confirmed that this is sure to place a smile on the faces of children at Mater Dei. "The time these children spend in hospital is usually very dreary and boring so these toys are sure to make this time slightly easier to bear."
Photo Caption: MaltaPost's representative Yolande Spiteri and Marisa Caruana together with Dr Bubbly from Dr Klown and Mater Dei's, Voluntary Service Co-ordinator David Pisani
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