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Revised Tariffs for Mail Redirection

MaltaPost has announced revised tariffs for redirection of mail, as approved by the Malta Communications Authority. These new tariffs will come into effect as of 8 June 2020. MaltaPost, as the designated Universal Service Provider, is required to provide redirection of mail services nationwide as part of its Universal Service obligation.

With the revised rates, MaltaPost shall continue to absorb the full cost of a redirection to a local address and this service will be offered for free for the first six months for both individuals and NGOs. The redirection will attract a charge of €10 for the second six months thereafter.

Businesses and other entities will be charged €10 per month for the first 12 months. The service is not available to businesses once the first year has lapsed.

The postal redirection service allows an addressee who has moved to a new address to continue receiving mail, bearing the previous address, for a period of time. Redirection of mail is intrinsically complex, becoming progressively challenging as Malta's social and demographic criteria develop and change. Addressees are strongly encouraged to inform mail correspondents of any change in their delivery address and to take the necessary measures for any corresponding address to be updated.

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