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MaltaPost Introduces a New Online Payment Facility for Customs Clearance Charges

MaltaPost offers the service for Customs clearance for items bought from a non-EU country. When a customer buys a product from a non-EU country, they become liable to Customs and Excise Duty as well as Value Added Tax (VAT) payments. As part of its efforts to improve customer experience, MaltaPost has introduced a new online payment facility for customs related charges.

Thanks to this new online facility, following the Customs Clearance process by MaltaPost and release by Customs, customers can now pay duty charges, VAT and other administrative fees online and have their items delivered on the next working day following payment.

To pay online one must visit and enter the tracking number in the space provided. Once the parcel details are loaded, click on the ‘Pay Charges' button and proceed as instructed.

For more information visit

MaltaPost Tintroduċi Servizz Ġdid biex il-Ħlas dovut tad-Dwana jsir Online

MaltaPost toffri s-servizz sabiex jiġu klerjati mid-Dwana l-affarijiet li jkunu nxtraw minn barra l-Unjoni Ewropea. Meta l-klijent jixtri prodotti minn pajjiżi barra l-Unjoni Ewropea, dawn ikunu suġġetti għal ħlas tad-Dwana, dazju tas-sisa kif ukoll għall-VAT. Bħala parti mill-inizjattivi tagħha biex ittejjeb l-esperjenza tal-klijent, MaltaPost introduċiet servizz ġdid fejn dan il-ħlas dovut jkun jista jsir online.

Bis-saħħa ta' din il-faċilità ġdida online wara li MaltaPost tipproċessa l-oġġett biex jinħeles mid-Dwana, il-klijenti jistgħu jħallsu l-ammonti u t-tariffi amministrattivi oħra online u l-oġġetti jiġu pproċessati u mqassmin fil-ġurnata tax-xogħol li jmiss wara li jsir il-pagament.

Biex iħallas online wieħed irid iżur u jdaħħal in-numru tat-tracking fl-ispazju pprovdut. Ladarba d-dettalji tal-pakketti jitilgħu, jmur fuq il-buttuna "Pay Charges" u jkompli skont l-istruzzjonijiet.

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